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Roger Elwood and Me (Part II)

(continued from Part I) I MET ROGER ELWOOD a couple of times at Cons, and in person he was a perfectly congenial chap. Other writers have spoken of difficulties with Elwood, some regarding story content and a few of payment problems.  I encountered neither, though of...

Roger Elwood and Me (Part I)

IN THE 1960s a character named Roger Elwood appeared on the SF (science fiction) scene. He had an uncanny ability to convince publishers, including several that until then had shown little interest in the genre, that they could make money publishing original...

Why It’s Hard to Write SF Today

IN LATE 2013 IBM published an article featuring some interesting forecasts on learning in the future, and other speculations. If one or all of these come true, they will strongly affect each of us individually, and society as a whole. IBM also says the communications...

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